April 23 - Chehaw Trail Day

HOLY CRAP!! All I can say is job well done! We had 21 individuals show up and contribute to our trail clean-up. Some where regulars, some were not-so-regulars, and some where brand new to us. We accomplished more than scheduled. West Philema is still a booger, but that will soon be remedied. Thanks to the following in no particular order:

Steve . . Deanna . . Amy, who comes before . . Josh . . Tiff . . Melody . . David . . Bill . . Blair . . Stephen . . John . . Tom . . Richard . . Susan (I think) . . Elaine . . Gene . . Buck . . Andy . . Miles . . Lane . . & Cody.

Thanks for pitching in and we hope everyone enjoys the trail!

1 comment:

me said...

Awesome, can't wait to come home a nd ride!!!!